Monday, November 1, 2010

Election Eve

Sharron Angle wants to shoot some folks up if she doesn't win in Nevada. She scares white people by telling them brown skinned people are going to take over their colleges. Then she announced, without humility, to a group of Hispanic students that she thinks some of them look Asian. Really? You're just going to say that out loud? You don't have to say everything you're thinking. Nut-bag crazy! and people still want to vote for her.

Christine O'Donnell doesn't know there is separation of church and state in the Constitution. Oh. Em. Gee. And she thinks being gay can be cured. Is she smarter than a fifth grader? Nut-bag crazy! and people will still vote for her.

Ken Buck thinks he's qualified to be in the Sentate because he doesn't wear high heels. Are you for reals, Ken? What back-woods barn did you crawl out of? Nut-bag crazy! and he's leading Michael Bennet by one point.

And that's just scimming the top. There are others, but I don't have that kind of time.

I can't help to think that these candidates are viable because they think and talk just like the people who want to vote for them do.

When did it come to pass that we want people like us running our country? I don't want a sarcastic, smart-ass lesbian who dropped out of college deciding our foreign policy. I don't want Barbeque Bob in charge of Wall Street reform. I don't care how good his steaks are! And I definately don't want a racist, gun crazed, nut-bag, or someone who doesn't even know what's in the constitution, anywhere near my "freedoms" (I'm still not allowed to marry the person I love, like I'm some fifteen-year-old who doesn't yet have a driver's license. I don't call that freedom.)

The crazier people get, the more I think they're scared. And I get it. I am terrified that this country is going to be taken back fifty years, to a time when a woman's body was the property of the government. A time when a child's education was interrupted for prayer. A time when I had a curfew.

So get out there tomorrow and have your say. Because I will beat down your door if I have to go to bed at 7:30 again and lay next to my "roommate"!

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