Monday, July 13, 2015

PC Makeover

For those of you looking for ways to erase porn off your PC, this post isn't for you. But since you're here, fucking Google it. And good luck.

Now, for those of you looking for the thick-slab meaty meaning of PC makeover, allow me to stop you at the baked potato. It's not as exciting as eating. 

What is exciting is telling the trolls to roll their Politically Correct bullshit in a Confederate flag, then wrap that flag in a Redskin's jersey, and set that dick-pile on fire. PC belongs on the shelf with Global Warming. Let them collect dust together and discuss how their underwear forcefully met the crack of their asses every day because the naysayers misunderstood them and couldn't resist a good ol' fashioned wedgie. (Don't feel too bad because wedgies are a part of our nation's history, so it's okay.) 

Why does Politically Correct sound like decorating your cotillion with floor to wall uppity white people? Of course there's no support for the Confederate Flag or Team Redskin in PCness because everyone's too busy piling dolphin-safe tuna tartar on their plates while sneaking bites to a baby polar bear resting in their Baby Bjorns, and drinking fuck-everything-American clean water. 

Because that's what the term "Politically Correct" has come to mean, right? 

Well I'm on to you, Righty. And I'm taking your 'Politically Correct' and I'm changing it to 'Shut Up and Get one Free', 'All You Can Eat for Freedom', or 'God's Plan'. You decide. 


How about just plain old 'Empathy'. It's amazing how Empathy, minding its own business, was snatch off its park bench--feeding hungry country and city pigeons--placed in the spin machine, and transformed into entitled socialist, un-American snobbery like Politically Correct. 

From all of us PCers, Empathy, I'm sorry. We're doing what we can, but you don't play a large role in our nation's history so, I'm sad to say, your makeover is going to take a white dick-pile being set on fire.