Friday, November 12, 2010

Dodging Bullets

The news reported another egg distributor pulling their eggs from the shelves because salmonella was found. The following day, I overheard someone asking what brand it was so they made sure not to buy it. It's funny the things we tell ourselves so our lives aren't interrupted, so we can have whatever we want, whenever we want it.

I am a vegan for a reason. I am a vegan because I lifted the veil of ignorance and found out about the food I was putting into my body. And as much as you think you don't want to know, believe me, you do.

You can't eat all the animals you want, including their by-products without a lot of shit being generated. And there is no regulation on how to dispose of all that shit. If you think that every time you eat a cheeseburger that there isn't poop in it, well, you should probably not bother to find out. Same thing with eggs. And pork. There is poop--real life fecal matter--in all factory farmed animal products.

Every time you put factory farmed animals into your mouth and don't get sick, you've dodged a bullet. Eggs especially. If you think the chickens are healthy and happy, clucking around the farm whistling Dixie, you done lost your mind. If you think chicken farms are sanitary and those overseeing the farms take care with the product they are providing, you're just begging to be slapped into reality. Truth is, most people don't see chickens, pigs, or cows as animals, but as objects. Because objects don't feel pain. Animals do. Objects don't get sad. Animals do. Objects don't get scared. Animals do. And if animals are objects, than their living conditions don't have to be anything special. They can be sick. They can be tortured. They just have to stay alive.

Now, I'm not saying everyone go vegan. That's ridiculous. But know where your food comes from. Support farms that treat their animals like animals. It's imperative to your health, and the health of your children. Because the seventeen different antibiotics you had with last night's pork chops will make sure you and yours are susceptible to whatever super bug comes next. And me? Oh, don't worry about me. I'll visit you in the hospital, but will not hold my tongue when it comes to I told you so.