Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Better Than Macy's Day

Over the weekend, my wife let out the dogs and came back to bed to report the wild turkeys were in our yard. I couldn't believe it. In our yard! But once they saw the dogs, they flew, ran, and hightailed it the hell out of there. On the drive in and out of our neighborhood, I know where to look for the turkeys. They have their own specific turf. Our yard is not it. So when she reported the news, I felt like I had really missed something. I had been left out.

This morning, on the way to work, my wife and I stopped to check the mail.

I got out of the car.

Put the key in the box.

Movement. On my right.

OMG. I inhaled sharply.

Two turkeys, crossing the street. Less than ten feet away from me.

I stood perfectly still.

And then there were five turkeys. And then three. Two. One. Four. Six. Three. Two. Eight. Two. One. Two. Big ones. Little ones. Their little necks bobbing back and forth as their little legs did their best to keep up with their counterparts. Their turkey "feet" crunching the dirt, snow, and road beneath them, the sound echoing in my ears. Just when I thought they were done, there were more. I stood there like I was staring at the real-life Santa. My eyes were wide, staring in disbelief. The smile on my face could be seen from space. A turkey parade, all for me!

It was turkey perfection.

I know the turkeys don't care about me. There is no place for me in their world. They were just going about their turkey business. But if they knew how much I cared about them and how they fit into my world, they would have invited me to go with them.

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