Thursday, January 13, 2011

People Pleasers

I am not fragile. I can handle an onslaught of criticism, varying opinions, and flat-out disagreements.

So stop blowing smoke up my ass.

Unless you're an agent, editor, or publisher, don't tell me what you think I want to hear.

I'm a vegan. So what. Don't act meek and embarrassed when it comes to eating your double cheeseburger with extra bacon and a side of pork chops. Had I not sat next to you you wouldn't think twice about eating two-thirds of an animal.

I'm a runner. Big deal. You don't have to tell me all about how you're going to start running too. If you feel inspired because you're sitting next to me, great, but don't tell me about it. We both know that as soon as I'm out of sight you'll feel differently. Just do it. I'll be glad to discuss it with you after you've been dedicated for a month.

I take my health seriously. Whatever. Please don't tell me how you're going to do something miraculous to change your life. It's boring. You've said it a million times. The more you say it, the more I realize I'm going to be standing over your casket.

I'm not a "health nut". So don't call me one. It's not endearing or a compliment. There is nothing "nutty" about me taking an interest in my quality of life. There is nothing extraordinary surrounding the way I treat my body. What I'm doing used to be called living; now it's called healthy. What you're doing used to be called gluttonous and lazy; now it's called commonplace.

Me? A people pleaser? Not even close.

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