Friday, January 7, 2011

Ah, Morning

The alarm beep-beep-beeped at 5:30 this morning. It took me a minute to realize what was happening. The dogs circled the bed, wagging their tails, making little happy whining noises. They were glad it was time for my wife and me to get up. I, on the other hand, couldn't believe it. I just went to sleep! But no, I was mistaken. I tossed the covers to the side, threw my pillow away from me, and reluctantly swung my legs over the bed. I sat there; I needed a minute to collect myself. I sleepily made my way up the stairs, the cold air nipping at my legs. I dressed without a sense of urgency. I used the facilities and made my way back into the living room where my wife was prepping for yoga: adjusting her mat, pleading with the dogs to find their way to a bed, getting the television ready. We don't normally do the same thing in the morning, but I decided to do yoga with her.

I rolled out my mat. Sat down. Staff pose. Rodney Yee's voice soothed me into downward dog, forward bend; from triangle into warrior pose. My muscles were gratefully stretching. My heartbeat quickened in response to the swift pace of the poses. And then, all done.


I headed up to the loft, where the weights are located, to finish my morning exercise. My mind followed suit with my body and started to wake up. I laid down my mat, looked around to see what I was in the mood to do and set my mind to it. My wife jumped on the bike, attached to a trainer, and started peddling like her life depended on it, with the television remote in hand.

Loud techno music followed by uncomfortable metallic sounds. People fighting. People screaming. People dying. Utter mayhem.

"What kind of shit are you watching?" I asked.

"It's one of the Blades," she responded.

How weird? That's exactly what I was thinking. Get out of the warm bed. Walk up the frigid staircase. Get dressed. Listen to Rodney's lotion-y voice. Connect with your breathing. Gradually welcome your mind and body to the day. Blow out the living room with a movie that revolves around a human-vampire hybrid who kills vampires who in turn kill humans.


1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha. You know what I find funny about this one don't you? Good day.
