Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Give It a Rest

For fuck's sake, O'Donnell. Give it a rest already.

The election is over and yet Christine O'Donnell cannot accept her fate quietly. The Delaware Doofus cannot keep her hand out of the bank account--I mean the headlines--hitting the airwaves on Sunday, protesting that she's being unfairly targeted by a left-wing-nut-bag group for campaign fraud.

Permit me a moment of absolute honesty: I'm so disgusted with people doing shady shit and then blaming someone else when said shit hits the new's cycle. What happened to personal responsibility? Nut up, Christine! I find it odd that in the midst of your alleged crimes you're talking about who is attacking you instead of taking a position. If you're innocent, or guilty, why does it matter who launches an investigation?

Your strategy reeks of immaturity. My grandma changes the subject when you bring up something she doesn't want to discuss, too. 

Gee, Christine, maybe you shouldn't have "paid" your mother money from your campaign account. And maybe you should have taken a step back and considered how it looked to pay rent, again from your campaign account, on a townhouse you now say you didn't live in. Surely you're smart enough to know that the political world isn't a kind one and these things should have been taken into account?

If you're innocent, great. If you're guilty, great. Regardless, stop acting like a child being asked by your parents, Who ate the last cookie? Chances are if you keep blaming your parents for looking in the cookie jar, people are going to start to wonder what the hell you're talking about, tarnishing your legitimacy even more.

Too bad you're not a witch. I'm sure there is some kind of spell you could cast to make us understand bullshit.

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