Friday, October 29, 2010

The Wonderful World of Queries

Yesterday, I received a form letter rejection. Today, I received a personalized rejection by an agent who said he/she appreciated my creativity, but it just wasn't right for their agency. It's amazing what a difference a day can make.

The form rejections never make my cry in my pillow. They only remind me that the writing business is tough to break into. But the personalized rejections always fill me with a strange sense of it's going to happen eventually.

The various responses I have received from agents so far remind me that tastes vary. In the same sense that not all books or genres speak to me, I know that my novel is not for everyone. Some agents/agencies generically shut me down while others take the time to let me know that while they're passing, there are many agents and to keep trying. These rejections are my favorite. They make me feel that I am a part of their world, even if they're not inviting me into it.

I didn't send a single query this week. Instead, I focused on working on my second novel. I think next week I'll hit the query trail again, if only to ensure the roller coaster doesn't derail.

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