Monday, October 4, 2010

Pimpin' Myself

I have always kept my desire of getting published internal. Sharing it seemed like a serious show of hubris, and that has never been my style. But I can contain it no longer.

So now, with no ego whatsoever, I present to you, <drum roll>

<Confetti falls from the sky. Horns blow in harmony. A parade passes by.>

I could say that every tenth visitor gets a trip to Tahiti, but that would be lying.

If you have a direct line to Jesus, tell him to put it on his Facebook page.

On a side note, I sent a query off today. Maybe if we all click our heels together three times and repeat, "There's no place like Tattered Cover, there's no place like Tattered Cover, there's no place like Tattered Cover," it will peak this agent's interest.

If it doesn't, I'll know some of you out there didn't do it.