Thursday, October 7, 2010

Somebody Pinch ME!

I'll be spending most of my day constructing a synopsis for my novel, so this might be it for today's posting. Why, might you ask?

Hold on to your fucking hat.

An agent has requested to see my FULL manuscript!!! But along with it, I need to send a synopsis. And unfortunately, I have yet to write one of those.

I feel like I want to pass out, flip out, or tag out.

Is this really happening?


  1. WOOOOOOOOOOT!!! I know getting an agent is just the first step (past the writing part, of course), but getting an agent is a HUGE step in the right direction. Good luck Kelcey!!

  2. Congrats Kelcey! However I knew this would happen and it could not of happened to a better person! I don't read, but I am excited to say that this will be one book that I will love to read! :)

  3. Congratulations Kelcey! That is fantastic news! I know someday I will be able to say, "I knew her when....!"
