Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Tale of Two Colors

Last I checked, all abusers were dispicable, deplorable, and downright disgusting. Try telling that to major networks and tabloids.

While Charlie Sheen is being treated like Must-See-TV, and Chris Brown is being treated like the CW, I can't help thinking something is rotten in Racemark.

Now, now, let's not get excited. I'm sure this has nothing to do with race. I'm sure I'm blowing this out of proportion. I'm sure Charlie not being fired from his television show after holding a knife to his wife's neck while Chris was publicly and professionally shunned after busting Rihanna's face was nothing more than product placement: Charlie - a white actor - hails from a line of other white actors; Chris - a black musician - hails from an industry known for its violence.


Both men are notorious - as far as I'm concerned - for being abusers of women, yet the media cannot get Charlie out of their limelight and are more than willing to help Chris dig his hole of shame deeper. So why is Chris' behavior not being lauded as something entertaining? As amusing? As take-a-load-of-this-guy hilarious?

It boils down to what we've been programmed to believe. It won't surprise me if Charlie becomes a Senator and Chris goes to prison.

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