Monday, March 14, 2011

It's So Safe

We've been told, time and time again, that nuclear power is safe.

The fuck it is.

As we twist our hands, cover our eyes, squeeze and shake our heads, hold a loved one's hand, hope that Fukushima Daiichi's nuclear reactors can be cooled before they all explode and/or melt through their containments, we are reminded that nuclear energy is safe when...when, um...when it's,, it's complicated.

The fuck it is.

Meltdown. Say it with me: meltdown. Chernobyl really wasn't that long ago. Have we learned nothing? Oh, I know. We learned that better "safety" measures needed to be put in place concerning nuclear power plants. Chernobyl's reactors had no containments at all. But if the reactors in Japan end up melting through their containments, what will it matter?

I'm no scientist, but I am smart enough to know that this is serious. This shit is fucked up! It's either going to be a small scale fucked-up or a large scale fucked-up. Then again, when it comes to radiation being released into the air and water, this world gets a lot smaller. Japan isn't that far from, well, the rest of the world.

We've been told the power plant is leaking radiation. But it's safe, really.

Hey, why don't we try something like, I don't know, maybe not building and continuously doing shit that threatens our oceans, air, food, skin, lungs, eyes, future generations because when something goes wrong - it will eventually - it is no longer safe. Like nuclear power plants ever were to begin with.

No one in charge of the Daiichi plant is publicly putting their head between their legs and breathing.

If only I had that kind of peace of mind.

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