Thursday, October 28, 2010

F*cking Wal-Mart

This morning, I saw a commercial for Wal-Mart I had never seen before. 

A woman is ecstatic that she has a job at Wal-Mart because she is no longer on welfare. And her son got a job too!

I thought I was going to hulk out of my clothes.

The woman was not white. (White people don't go on welfare!)

The woman will see her son--and other men--get promoted over her, time and time again. (There is a class action law suit against Wal-Mart right now, for this very issue.)

In these "excited" times, the last thing Wal-Mart needs to be doing is telling white people that minorities can get off welfare if they just come on in and fill out an application. Because it's bullshit. Wal-Mart pays their employees like they are thirteen-year-old babysitters.

There has been far too much rhetoric lately about people getting a free ride: health care, welfare, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, are all programs that "good-hearted Christians" and their lunatic fringe spokespersons feel need to be abolished or handed over to the private sector. And with the immigrant issue still a hot button issue, all this commercial does is tell all those people that, yes, minorities are to be feared because they're living off welfare, and you're paying for their free ride. You may think I'm overreacting, but the nonsense that is flying out of people's mouths lately is exactly why I made this connection. And I'll be damned if Wal-Mart will get me to believe they are the answer. But I bet Sharron Angle is on board.

I detest Wal-Mart. It has been close to a decade since I have used my purchasing power to support one. They have bastardized too much to be given a free pass. They treat their female employees like shit. They bully the companies of the products they sell. And now they're taking idiocy to a whole new wtf? level. I would rather pay an extra quarter for a box of cereal than bankrupt my integrity.

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