Thursday, July 7, 2011

Seven Things

Months ago fellow blogger Melanie McCullough tagged me in a "Seven Things About Me" post and it was up to me to turn around and do the same. Bless Melanie's heart, I was touched. Thankful. And frozen.

Insert hyperventilation. These things make me nervous. So let's start there.

One: Being included in chain mails scares me. Not because I think breaking the chain will lend to a burning sensation when I pee, or give me horrible luck for the next ten years, or force me to watch every season of Big Brother, but because I feel pressure to perform. Performing makes me uneasy, which I realize is ridiculous considering if I ever break into the writing world this expectation will increase tenfold.

Two: At the age of eight, I vomited in a movie theater's bathroom sink while waiting for The Empire Strikes Back to start. Combine that with vomiting in my dinner plate after a loud clap of thunder and one might say I was a nervous child.

Three: I was in a play where my character walked across the stage naked. Twice. This also meant I walked across the stage naked. Twice. A few weeks after the show closed I was outside doing yard work. Two women walked by and pointed at me. "You were in that show, right?" one asked. I still - especially when I'm in the open-space produce section of the grocery store - wonder how many people have seen me naked.

Four: No one can ever, and I mean EVER!, grab the front of my neck. If someone knows how I feel about the front of my neck and decides it would be a slap-to-the-knee-riot to pretend to grab the front of my neck, I will rip them in half and bathe in their organs. (Newsflash: it's not funny, asshole.) I can't lean my head back in the car. When I sleep, my chin is tucked towards my chest and the covers cannot rest on my neck.

Five: I think I may have been strangled in a past life. And I never want to have a threesome.

Six: Thankfully, I don't embarrass as easily as I once did; otherwise, one of my most embarrassing moments would have been last week when my butt mistakenly made noise in a room full of people I didn't know.

Seven: My most embarrassing moment was during a farting contest with my cousins while in an amusement park. I went above and beyond and a little shit came out. (But I won, right?) I told my mother, as she scrubbed my unmentionables clean, I was sick to save face. Sorry, Mom; I felt fine.

So now I pass the torch to five of my fellow bloggers. Thank me, or don't; do it, or don't, ladies. No worries. For me, it's simply about sharing the love.

1. Sally Hepworth
2. Claudia C.
3. Johanna K. P.
4. Karolyn Sherwood
5. Angela Kulig


  1. Ok, ok, I don't hate you... I just hate these things. But considering you were brave enough to share all of the above, what could I possibly have to lose by making my own list? I'm in!

    Also, did you get your haircut? I can't quite tell from your photo... but I thought you had long hair and now it looks as though you have short hair. So confusing...

    Karolyn Sherwood

  2. I completely understand, Karolyn. I'm not a fan myself, as I've already mentioned. You have the right to change your mind if you don't want to participate. But if you do, I'm looking forward to what you come up with.

    I did get my haircut! It was long and is now considerably shorter. Are you part elephant because that's one hell of a memory.

    And thanks for stopping by! I'm delighted to see you here. No foolin'.


  3. Wow I feel honored and scared at the same time. But hey I'm up for the challenge!! I had to post something new on my blog anyway.... so here we go!!

  4. Thanks for sharing your seven unknowns with the world. I think you are even more fabulous now.

  5. LOL Nice segway there from being stangled and never wanting tobe in a threesome. Did not see that one coming! I think I will schedule this blog post for Saturday the same day as Pirates VS Ninjachat ^^

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oops. I didn't mean to do that. Anyway, Johanna, Angela, and MK, thank you so much for stopping by (and participating). It's been a pleasure to see you here, too!
